¡Noche de familias Hispanas!
El 30 de octubre de 6:00 p.m. a 7:00 p.m. ESCUELA PRIMARIA OCEANLAKE 2420 NE 22ND ST., LINCOLN CITY 97367...
El 30 de octubre de 6:00 p.m. a 7:00 p.m. ESCUELA PRIMARIA OCEANLAKE 2420 NE 22ND ST., LINCOLN CITY 97367...
Cohen and Park will be at Sam Case for school pictures on Thursday, September 19, 2019. You can order using...
Today was a bit damp however that didn’t deter our amazing 5th Grade Crossing Guards! Each day 3 5th grade...
Every month the YV/SC Booster Club hosts a Booster Dine Out at a local restaurant. Clearwater is holding their Dine-Out...
Our School Resource Officer came in today to share about crosswalk safety with all of our 3rd grade classes. Thank...
Here is the First Student Inc. Bus Routes and Schedules for Newport Area Schools: Aquí están las rutas y horarios...
El jueves 15 de agosto es el último día que estamos abiertos y disponibles para ayudar con la inscripción para...
Thursday, August 15th is the final day we are open and available to assist with registration for the upcoming 2019/2020...
Thursday, August 29, 2019 5:30-7:00 pm your student can meet their NEW teacher! We will be on the Sam Case...
Mrs. Shelley Moore Lincoln County is a wonderful place to live, work and grow. I am so grateful and happy...