Superintendent Update – Return to Full-Time Four Days Per Week Monday, April 19
April 5, 2021 Dear Lincoln County School District Staff, Students, Families, and Community, I hope this communication finds everyone healthy...
April 5, 2021 Dear Lincoln County School District Staff, Students, Families, and Community, I hope this communication finds everyone healthy...
Tuesday / martes APRIL 6, 2021 / 6 abril, 2021 5:30-7:00 p.m. VIRTUAL Yoga con Jana Miller /...
Thank you to all of our student-athletes, coaches, families, and community for your work to make Season 2 a reality...
Students are invited to come into the book fair with their hybrid cohort on their library day. This will be...
Se invita a los estudiantes a asistir a la feria del libro con su grupo híbrido el día de la...
West Area May 4th, 2021 4:00 – 5:00 pm for Staff 5:00 – 6:00 pm for Families – Hispanic...
¡Felicitaciones al Sra. Shoman nuestro súper destacado del personal de Sam Case! Cada semana compartimos sobre un miembro del personal...
Congratulations to Ms. Shoman, our Sam Case Staff Super Spotlight! Each week we share about a staff member that helps...
Next week is Spring Break and there is no school. Enjoy your vacation! La próxima semana son las vacaciones de...