October 31 is the last day to turn in your survey! Let us know what we can do to help you and your students! Thank you to everyone who has already filled out the survey. You can email shelley.moore@lincoln.k12.or.us after completing the survey to be entered to win a free chromebook and other amazing prizes!
As part of our absenteeism grant, we have prizes to raffle off to Sam Case families! We will have opportunities for parents to earn raffle tickets between now and the end of the semester. One of the ways families can earn a raffle ticket is to follow the link to complete the School Climate Survey before October 31. https://www.pbisassessment.org/Anon/xWO00Aoy1e0
We want to hear about your experiences with your child’s education. This survey includes questions about your child’s learning, school safety, and interpersonal relationships, as well as your attitudes about the institutional environment and your personal involvement in school. Your responses will be very helpful in improving student relationships, learning conditions, and the overall school environment.
All your responses are completely anonymous. We have no way to connect you to your answers, and results will only be reported as group responses. There are no right or wrong answers. We just want to know about your personal experiences.
Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey! Please email Mrs. Moore at shelley.moore@lincoln.k12.or.us after completing the survey to be entered in our raffle!